As I mentioned in the above post, this has been a constantly evolving project that began as a somewhat simple design and has grown increasingly complex. While researching Buddhist artwork and digitally mirroring and adjusting fonts I became inspired to create word mandalas at different degrees of rotation. The first one I made was LOVE. After creating dozens of these with the words used in
Body Language, I spun full sentences and then sentences within words. Felt an appropriate term to describe them might be “Suggesdalas.”
Will be posting some color versions in the near future...
I’m currently printing Suggesdala posters and t-shirts and am undergoing plans to extend into a whole line of products. Also open to commissions for personalized Suggesdalas and you can have a name, affirmation, quote, poem or song customized into any language. Pricing differs based on word count and print size.

This pyramid is the companion piece to the "Body Language" prototype with the original 66 words.

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